The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is about Brad Majors and Janet Weiss getting a flat tire and seeking assistance at Dr. Frank N. Furter’s castle, little do they know they’re walking into a madhouse. This movie is definitely not for anyone 10 and under because of some of the sex scenes and gore. If you break down the movie and watch it critically you will see that the plot is kinda week but that’s not really what the movie is about. It’s interesting because of the freaky, strange and twisted scenes. Tim Curry gives an amazing performance as Dr. Frank N. Furter. The songs are unforgettable with the two most famous being “The Time Warp” and the out of the ordinary “Sweet Transvestite”. The movie has frequent sexual references but nothing too terrible.


Frank N. Furter is a transsexual scientist, who is pretty sexed-up meaning he wears a lot of women’s lingerie, he is also very open to different sexual experiences. You can see him with both Brad and Janet even though the scenes are done in shadows you can clearly see Frank N. Furter putting up the characters’ legs then the camera cuts, even though Brad and Janet are engaged. It’s also very heavily implied that Frank sleeps with Rocky. Nude statues are also seen. There is occasional violence. One of the characters gets hacked to death (you only see the aftermath and blood not) then he is later served for dinner without the quests knowing, which is kinda disturbing. Later on, in the dinner scene, the body is revealed with body parts missing. There is also a very brief scene where you see a rotting corpse in a clock.


There is a brief violence scene, a slightly disturbing scene, and regular sexual insinuation. This movie has a very comedic undertone and it’s a musical so the frightening scenes are interrupted by songs. Most of the other reviews will say 13+ but I think it’s more 10+. It’s a good movie and I highly recommend it.

The Titanic

The Titanic is about a girl whose name is Rose DeWitt Bukater and a guy whose name is Jack dawson. They meet when Rose tries to throw herself of the back of the boat and Jack save her. They soon fall in love and even though Rose is engaged to Cal Hockley, a rich but unlikable guy. The Titanic hits an iceberg but there aren’t enough lifeboats to save everyone being there is only enough to fit about a third of the passengers, but they though “well we don’t need more than this because this is an unsinkable ship.” Well the were so very wrong, 1’500 people died within 2 hours of the ship being hit. The ship could hold approximately 3’300 people including the crew which was about 900 people, 2’224 people were riding as passengers and only 706 survived (492 passengers and 214 crew) the shipwreck. The Titanic is definitely a tearjerker and I would know because I cried a lot. It’s a very adventurous movie and the actors really brought it to life, I thought they did very well. I hated the fact that they made Jack die because if he lived it would’ve been a lot better. It was really good I definitely recommend it if you want to have a good cry.